The Grocery Game

I can't write if I end up having to get a full time job so I'm researching ways to save money. My husband is the generous type who always tells me to buy something if I need it. That's nice but it's always made me feel a little uneasy. I mean, I don't want us to get behind on a bill just because I thought a new book would be nice to have.

My good friend, Holly, recommended The Grocery Game to me. Because I am the cautious type, I've spent about four weeks researching this program and finally signed up today. I've always cut coupons (thanks Other Mother!!) but have never stockpiled products. Plus, DH and I enjoy eating out way too much to have such a good excuse to eat at home. But, invention being the mother of necessity, I'm going to give this a try.

If you are a coupon clipper or a Grocery Game member, please leave a comment and let me know how it is going for you.

Two Posts in One Day!

I just finished the last of today's edits to my ten page manuscript and two page summary. God is so amazingly good. I wasn't sure I would make it to this point.

Please pray that I will catch any last second edits necessary before I print and mail the paperwork tomorrow.

Good night!

Look Mom! I'm Writing!!

Finally, the writer writes! I've been talking about writing "the story" for so long that I wasn't sure if I could do it.

I've written every day, except Sunday, for 90 minutes since March 5. And I'm surprised at what comes out. Some of it is almost good and some of it is total drivel, but it gives me something to edit. Thankfully, I know none of it is from me - I'm just a vessel.

With much encouragement from others, I've taken the step of faith to sign up for the Fiction Intensive Workshop at the Orange County Christian Writer's Fellowship Spring Writer's Day (say that five times fast). I must submit ten pages of manuscript and a two page synopsis for receipt on Wednesday (not electronically but snail mail). I'm really excited what I'll learn at the Workshop because it is limited to only 12 participants. They extended the deadline from March 1 to March 12 so I MUST have my paperwork in at the Post Office in a Priority Mail envelope tomorrow. Yikes!!

Just typing the due date made me realize, I've got to get back to work!