Change in Plans

The writer's conference I was scheduled to attend this coming Saturday has been postponed until May. At first, I was really disappointed and wallowed in thoughts like, "Fine! This home re-organization has taken on a life of its own anyway. I don't have time to write. It was a stupid idea. See if I care!" Not an hour later, I received an email from the writer's fellowship to which I belong saying that their special fiction workshop in April has extended their deadline and will accept submissions until March 13. Which means, if I really hurry, I could possibly submit my work and participate in the writer's fellowship event, which is much larger and actually a better opportunity. So much for the I-don't-care-anyway attitude.

I happened to run across a website yesterday for author Deborah Raney. I haven't read any of her work but saw that the Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Christian Fiction recently released. I just called Barnes and Noble and they are holding a copy for me right this very moment. I plan to use one of my Christmas gift cards to pick it up tonight or tomorrow morning. Hopefully this book will help me start off on the right track so my two page synopsis and ten pages of writing will wow the fiction workshop leaders.

As for what I'm reading right now, I'm tearing through some books that a friend loaned me. Terri Blackstock's Last Light, Night Light and True Light are really well written and fun to read. I highly recommend them, especially if you are interested in a fast-paced thriller with a spiritual message.

Time flies...

I am truly astounded that it is already February 11. How have the first six weeks of 2008 passed so quickly? Needless to say, my writing adventure isn't off to a very good start. Although my pace is slower, my life has been full of working (handing my job over to someone else), church, funeral preparation for my husband's dear grandmother and the basics of quiet time and exercise.

In my prayer time this morning, I realized that I can no longer use the excuse that I deserve the tv time, extra dessert or the special something I want to buy. Although I haven't had full days to enjoy my freedom, I've had moments and those will have to do because it is time to get to work.

Unfortunately, the writing will be delayed for a bit longer because I have to finish with the company who was hired to help me polish my resume and interviewing skills. I have eleven more days with them and then my time will be more focused on writing.

To actually write something worthwhile is going to take a lot of discipline...